2023 means the return of

in ~22.5 hours!

4 166

wahhh sorry for the late drawing!! this is a preview of an upcoming game - in 12 hours! 🧌

0 75

first look in ~9.5 hours! it's a longer one 🤠

0 90


~14 hours from now
~32 hours from now

2 88

all this talk of past school traumas reminded me of my magnum opus from graphic design class in high school

BEHOLD!!!! 16YearOldDigitalPicassoWelonz!!

3 116

Oh my god, Welonz you are to cool!
I thought at first:"OK, PicassoWelonz=First look" but then I realised the miracle:

0 0

i lent out my tablet so we are back to the dark mouse + ms paint ages, forgive me for cheating

1 63

sorry i am in a rush today lmao. tomorrow!

1 38

waiting for the fedex guy to bring me the game about the fedex guy so videos should start tomorrow

1 91

first look of a riveting story of patriotism

0 32

somehow this didn't come out the way i envisioned it lmao. just a short one! (1 video)

0 35