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Amazing murals & paintings from Spanish art duo PichiAvo at https://t.co/Jl7TZfDlgR "Orphical Hymn To Mars And Venus", spray, acrylic and oil painting on canvas, 160 x 140 cm, 2019, © PichiAvo

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Pour moi ce sera Sofles, graffeur australien notamment connu pour les vidéos Limitless et Infinite, et le duo espagnol PichiAvo, qui allie beaux-arts et street art :)

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Work is underway on what will be Edmonton’s biggest mural. The piece by Spanish street artist duo PichiAvo will be over four storeys tall and 36 metres wide.

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Super orgulloso de haber formado parte de la fase BETA de ZBrush 2018.
Y si... esta vez no es un monstruo xD
Pieza hecha para el gran equipo de PichiAvo... las nuevas herramientas como el Sculptris Plus me han salvado la vida..

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