Este dibujo fue expuesto en Berlín durante meses y fui muy feliz. Era el 10º aniversario de Pictoplasma, la sociedad más importante del mundo dedicada a promocionar el diseño de personajes.

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It’s ’s talk tonight at —17:45 at Kuppelhalle. Come along and get nerdy with us!

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I’m at this week! DM me if you fancy getting a coffee or trying to recreate this pose ✨⭐️💫

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Thrilled to be speaking along with Tasnim Bhuiyan about  's tribute to a true creative icon, David Bowie! 👁️⚡

09:35 Awwwards Conference

16:00 Pictoplasma Festival

THU 22/9
17:30 Forward Festival

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Looks like we're going to this year!🤯 Anyone else?

Here's another look at the film, Donkey Wrong, in case you missed it—

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Beyond excited to share Housecat got into Pictoplasma!! See you in September, Berlin!

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20-Hace años expuse en Berlín, en el décimo aniversario de Pictoplasma, una organización que recopila diseño de personajes de todo el mundo.

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yeah! Drawing those Pictoplasma vibes!

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I can't believe what I just read:

"We are happy to announce that your entry has been selected and will be produced as a real flag, to be proudly raised at the upcoming Pictoplasma Berlin conference."

I am so happy right now!
Thank you

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Thread: Selections from the 'Vector' illustration section of Pictoplasma, a 2001 book on character design! I'll post a zip link to the full book scan at the end!

1. Barbara Lippe
2. 2h graphics
3. Barbara Lippe
4. Unknown (in book but lost the place)

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Confirmed speaker: , illustrator exploring narrative formats with a healthy dose of macabre humour that touches on the surreal.
🍪 Treat yourself to a ticket for PictoBerlin this August OR the global online fest in Sept 👉

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Confirmed speaker: Luiza Kwiatkowska, illustrator, tattoo artist and activist, using her skills to support climate and pro-animal movements.
🥬 Harvest your ticket for PictoBerlin this August OR the global online fest in Sept now 👉

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Please take a look at this year's artists of the Pictoplasma Conference and Fest (currently 23), knowing that there are still many, many more to be confirmed soon:

I'd say 2021 is definitely not all bad — from a character point of view...

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The 10 rules of Vexillography
The edge of a flag should be well-defined so as to not get visually lost

Call for Entries: Design the of Pictopia...
... and this summer, united again, we'll proudly raise your flags at
(🤷 )

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2021 is not lost, Pictoplasma is coming!

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Good news: first & speaker announcements coming up soon (squinting into the future for first spoilers)... Berlin conference this August + global online fest this September (who can guess this confirmed speaker???)
We believe that characters Я us

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Had a lot of fun with the ⁦#Pictoplasma2020 q minute drawing workshop. What a delight to just turn brain off and scribble 💜

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Characters by designer/artist Kentaro Mori, as a part of the graphic design showcase website, 'FutureExpress' (1999-2001) (1/2)

Scanned from the book, 'Pictoplasma' (2001)

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