On a roll with this gen's villagers! We have a normal/sweet Pikipek, a cranky Yungoos & a lazy Grubbin :)

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fletchling or pikipek, both would be a good companion and over time it could become a great way to travel when it fully evolves! :D

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Serata di disegni pokémon: Bagon, Pikipek, Entei, Cottonee, Phantump, Slurpuff, Litwick, Celebi e Eldegoss

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She a cute! I came up with: Umbreon, Pikipek, Yveltal, Shiny Absol, Pancham & Galarian Zigzagoon

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16, Pikipek, un lindo carpintero
Si, ya se que luego se convierte en el tucán del cereal xD

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After seeing the new pokemon Pikipek, I HAD to draw with them and Rowlet <3!!

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'Pokémon Sol' y 'Luna' presenta a Pikipek, Yungoos, Grubbin y Magearna (https://t.co/UVrG5TsCiH)

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Pokeshopper Pictures : HQ images of new Pokémon Grubbin, Pikipek, Yungoos https://t.co/RqqD4iOCDQ

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