Pixelmind is remarkable... Here are some of my recent faves I've created. The ability to mint them into NFTs makes it even better.

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What have you created on

Show it off!

Your imagination is just a few words away.

Some of the awesome creations from https://t.co/OIrIAMv5lX

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Gem Sweep! 18 PixelMinds bought for 0.3272 ETH https://t.co/bGrmBZ2Upz

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Another AI co-creation collection in development with some promising early returns. is ramping up fast and you don't want to be left wanting. How else are you going to get you HypØ HerØes?

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5/7 STEP 2: Upscale your favourite images. Currently, Pixelmind is capped at around 800px resolution, not a lot for degens. However, there are Deep Learning AIs for upscaling images without quality loss. Go here and follow the instructions, easy peasy: https://t.co/tGECdwxFHz

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4/7 STEP 1 (still): These are the initial images I produced with Pixelmind. Again, these are generated completely from scratch by the AI, I didn't do any Post-Processing, nor Pre-Processing. 1:30 minutes per piece. Amazing, eh?

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7/14. A/ PUBLIC - Smartly, the first thing Pixelmind’s team did was to implement a Discord bot that lets everyone test their Art Generative Model, with mind-blowing results. You can all go to their Discord just now and start creating beautiful images just by writing some words.

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