What my says to me December 21 - start your day with a plan, a plan for love. With love you create a magical, powerful gift for all.

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"[Happiness noises]" by /u/LetsPlanForTomorrow: https://t.co/M42j6uoKtH

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"Rencana sempurna untuk kabur bersama adikku adalah... menuju kediaman Duke!"

Berhasil gak nih? Mending baca sekarang

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I love by , a full of heart & subtlety that shows "perseverence, persistance, and patience" at work as Lou spends special time with Grandad and Pops. Reality balanced with gentleness and love. 🌈🏳️‍⚧️

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Streamingplanfür diese Woche ♥ Diese Woche gibt es nochmal zwei Genshin & Chill Streams und nächste Woche geht es dann los mit Life is Strange: True Colous + dem Subtember special! ♥

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