Ngomong-ngomong soal Moona, tahukah kamu kalo ada sejenis reptil laut prasejarah yg namanya mirip kyk doi?
Umoonasaurus, sejenis plesiosauria kecil dari Kretaseus awal. Fosilnya ditemukan di cekungan Eromanga, Australia. Ukurannya 2.5m jadi terbilang mini buat plesiosauria.

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Two more Dino’s, the plesiosauria was for my bestie

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Plesiosauria, often shortened to plesio, are a family of large marine reptiles found on the borders of the unexplored territories.

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authors et al. are investigating the evolutionary history of polycotylid plesiosaurians through the reinterpretation of the holotype specimen of Thililua longicollis, and clarify its cranial anatomy

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