day 8! Have a Meowstic gjinka because that’s my favorite psychic-type!

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day 7! The theme is grass so here’s a gjinka of my favorite grass type; Lurantis! 🍃

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day five!! Hau is my favorite rival I love him

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Day 4 - Favourite Ghost Type - Shiny Drifloon

Another late one, but another one that I had an easy time picking out! Drfiloon is so cute! I have a shiny one named Cirrus!

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day four! Litten is my favorite starter 🔥

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day three! Professor Burnet is my favorite professor!

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day two! My favorite region is Alola 🌺

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Day 3 - Favourite Fighting Type - Shiny Hariyama

Hariyama was another tricky one to get right with the proportions and shiny colors. But I like the way it turned out!

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Pokecember Day 1: Draw Your Trainer
a small OC and its first design

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Day 2 - Fav Psychic Type - Shiny Gardevoir

Gardevoir is SUCH a pretty Pokémon.... ugh! Getting the blue/teal colors right for her shiny was a challenge, but I think I managed to pull it off!

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day one!! My Pokémon trainer! 🎀

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