Aisaretagari no Pomeranian by Yamaguchi Suguri

Do the characters look familiar to you?
That's because it's the spin-off of Sakuran BO★Love Terrorism!

Be prepared for diabetes because they are super cute here🥺

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's Tweet: Something like a MafuEna Pomegaverse.🐶Ena who returned to normal after they slept in the same bed. (The Cliche)

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doodle of the day

🐶 47 - pomegaverse au lol

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Some sillier Eivel stuff I've drawn, too!

("Pomegaverse" is a drawing trend that caught on in Japan earlier this year? where one half of the ship gets so stressed they turn into a pomeranian, and they can only turn back if the other half showers them with love and affection)

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AYOOOO here's my gift for 😎

The prompts I used were good ol' Shinnoshino 🐢⭐ , the trenchcoat art and - one of my favorites - pomegaverse 🙏👀👀

Hope you like it 💕!!

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More Pomegaverse art✨ because i still love it! but this time it's Spark's turn to become puppy and Arlo to deal with him until he's back to normal 💕

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Verre and Rien in Memorabilia's pomegaverse... aka Pomerabilia

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*Fiksi OsaKita!Pomegaverse AU

OsaKita menikah, tapi Osamu sibuk bangeeet, sudah berhari2 Shinsuke ngga disentuh... dan suatu ketika Osamu pulang kerja, dia ngga bisa menemukan Kitasan dimanapun, yang ada cuma buntelan putih pomeranian, :(( - art from sender

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OsaKita Pomegaverse! AU request dr aayku 👍🏻

Aku kasi dikit halu telenovelaku lah ya. Alkisah Osamu dan Kitasan adlh husbuhusbu, suatu hari mreka berantem hebat dan Osamu ga pulang2 sampe 3 hari. Pas pulang ke rumah husbuny ga ada malah nemu gukguk pompom lg nangis 🤧

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Inspired by 's Pomegaverse
(Please go read them UvU)
I hope you'll like it ! sorry for the bad grammar X'D

Part 1

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I'm obsessed with pomegaverse so here's pomeranian Master Asia for his birthday (crown inspired by 's plush)

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千至 / chikaita

Daily Pomtaru: nesting

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final dog shaming piece 😁🤲🏻💗

Noct would be such a brat in his dog form too, pretending to throw up when he’s told off, asked to eat veggies, and taken on walks instead of letting him nap 😂

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iggy’s turnnnn

he’d be such a spoilt pooch and would probably refuse to eat any thpe of dog food, even though it would be good for him in his dog form 😂

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i'm jumping in on this pomegaverse thing <:3

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Daily pomtaru (and Spring Troupe). Will they find a way to turn Itaru back?

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To different renditions of this small pomegaverse Prompto I did 🥺

I’m think of turning the “free kisses” one into a redbubble sticker 👀

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Eru Iluvatar said: allright you get your redemption arc but its Pomegaverse (shoutout to who put Pomegaverse in my feed, I'm sorry it's not LoL related, I have Tolkien disease)

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Pomegaverse with xiaobether ✨💖

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