Vertumnus and Pomona, n.d., by (Dutch, c. 1603–1665). Private collection; source, Female Artists in History,

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Old OC. Pomona, the leader of a girl gang. On Venus.

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🍎 The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears.
Hereford, [Eng.]Jakeman and Carver, 1876-85.

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My Land of Qurie characters, Pomona, Max, Wallop and Ray.

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Donna dalle forme morbide e abbondanti, è seduta in una posizione di riposo.
La dea dei frutti, è affrescata sulle pareti dell'Anticollegio da Francesco Montemezzano -alunno nella bottega di Paolo entro una cornice in stucco di Marco del Moro.

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🍎 The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears.
Hereford, [Eng.]Jakeman and Carver, 1876-85.

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🍎 The Herefordshire pomona, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most esteemed kinds of apples and pears.
Hereford, [Eng.]Jakeman and Carver, 1876-85.

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Apricots (Genus Prunus) have been cultivated for thousands of years. from Duhamel's great 18th century pomona, "Traité des arbres fruitiers", Vol. 1 (1768), a rare, hand-colored copy of which is available in thanks to ➡️

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