Besides the arceues quest to catch shiny Ponyta, machop was my first. Though I forgot about it and almost put snorunt lmao

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Also worth noting that most of the ones you've posted here are actually alternate images made later. The actual original stock art images were more static than these. Most of the gen 3 art mimics the posing of the OG art (you did post the OG Ponyta, though)

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If you had a Pokemon team, who would be on it? Mine would be Alcremie, Pachirisu, Alolan Ponyta, Cinccino, and Galarian Vulpix, with my main being Sylveon~! 💕💖💞

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Scorbunny, Vulpix, Fennekin, Ponyta,-

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Kasper - Fire / Psychic type, Elite Four
Espurr, Sylveon, (Galarian) Ponyta, Ninetales, Torchic, Chandelure

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6. Favourite regional variant

Does new regional evos count? Because in that case it's Raichu, Ponyta, Runerigus, and Obstagoon!

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Bah screw it, I'll share. Here are my first ever fakemons that I made around early 2017 (No, the first one isn't Shiny Kantonian Ponyta, even though it really looks like it 😂). Meet Gallofreeze, Frostomp, and Snowkey. I'd love to redesign them cause, uh, these designs suck 😅

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off of vibes alone i will suggest these guys
(Galarian Rapidash/Ponyta,
Diancie) but there are a ton to choose from and id be happy to help pick a different one if you’d like

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I'm stuck somewhere between Minchinno and Galarian Ponyta, maybe Eevee?

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Not sure if I ever posted my profile pic drawing? One of my first drawings I ever did of galarian ponyta, still so cute 💕

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🐎🦤🦏Kanto Safari Zone Redesigns🦏🦤🐎
The toughest to redesign yet, especially Ponyta. Pokémon with a dusty look and an outdoorsy feel, Ponyta, Doduo and Rhyhorn join the raster .w.!!

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I don't usually share things I make on bases for myself but I had a blast making these babs on @/LunarEdenn 's Eevee base!
Star child, sakura, amalthea/galarian ponyta, tiramasu, Alolan Vulpix/Winter and Christmas Pudding eevees!

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16/ And more forms! Galarian Ponyta, Ampharos, Gaomon and Reshiram designs by @/RetroFeather, Anyverse on TH, @/Flytermo and @/wakamolez respectively!

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A Ninetales, Galarian Ponyta, and Sylveon request! According to legends, as long as you are pure of heart, this Pokémon will allow you to touch its fluffy tails or ribbons to heal your wounds entirely.

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A lil doodle of a Galarian Ponyta, maybe an oc ^ ^

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Drew my Ponyta, which I called Stirfry

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Working on some chibi pokemon to maybe turn them into charms. Started with this Galarian Ponyta, hope you like it! 😊

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Caught the shiny ponyta, I know understand how shinies work in this game

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