Felt bad for torturing Pop in my last drawing, so here's him with his son!

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Pop in 3 different artist styles!🖋️✨

🚫NO​ using​ / copying​ / reposting​ the​ art​ without​ PERMISSION!!! 🚫

17 80

No bitches!? XD this was a meme I wanted to draw of the plush I had saved in my camera roll 🤣 plz enjoy

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AAAAH ✨💖 este es el edit que más amo (♡∀♡)💞💘
✨👨🚬Pop y su bebé 👶🍼✨que preciosos que están ≧﹏≦💕
// English//
AAAAH✨💖 this Is the edit that i love the most (♡∀♡)💞💘
✨👨🚬Pop and his baby 👶🍼✨How precious they are ≧﹏≦💕

10 38

Uuuh so I just remembered Happy Tree Friends again after being exposed to it many years ago XD Also I may have had another one of those crack ships where I shipped my two faves together 😳

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I totally forgot to post this one on Twitter. I think it's one of my best works yet and I think it's a really cute picture of these two.

DB's outfit though 😂😂😂😂 Ugggghhhh it's so 70s it's cringy 😂😂😂

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I just loved this so much I felt like I had to post it on Twitter as well! 😳😳😳😳

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