Toshiyuki Itahana’s Devola and Popola 💖

274 994

hopefully everyone's still talking about nier automata, cause it's time to repost my devola and popola art!

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Woaw Mahgeh as Emil
Too Be as 2B
Lucina Aloisia as Kaine
Bee Honeysea & Aibertain Weiss as Devola & Popola

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J. A. D. Ingres dipinge nel 1813 e poi modifica "Il sogno di Ossian", il mitico cantore celtico autore di antichi poemi cavallereschi. In realtà si trattava di una invenzione e rielaborazione di racconti tradizionali popolari, pubblicata nel 1760 da J. Macpherson

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"Vipera Ferro Di Lancia - Vipera lanceolata" 

Here is a rare and beautiful lithograph from the "Atlante Zoologico Popolare" published in Naples (1863) by Giovanni Boschi. The lithograph was made by Raimondo Petraroja.

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Thanks for the tag !

Top 4 Characters i've been obsessed with...? maybe at one point or another these guys even if im not currently obsessed.

- Shiro Emiya
- Devola & Popola (they're inseperable twins soo--)
- Megpoid Gumi
- Boozette

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Practicing modelling. Picked a random color for the girl's hair and I was thinking... "... Popola?"

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if i tried to shade this i would've never finished, but here are my wives

play nier automata oooo you know you want to devola and popola are supreme oooo

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devola and popola cheering their boy on 🥰

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"The Song of Ancients"

Devola and Popola fanart

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Alle ore 22:14 la rete di monitoraggio dell'INGV ha registrato un di M 3.4, alla profondità di 9km, con epicentro a Impruneta. La scossa è stata avvertita dalla popolazione. In corso le verifiche.

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