========RT's are appreciated========
This is my first time participating in

I've started drawing digitally more than a year ago.🙇‍♀️

I draw fanarts of my favorite characters from games, anime, movies, etc~! these are some of my favorite art✨🌸

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It's I'm Telari, illustrator and comic artist from Silesia, Poland. I use and and especially like sci-fi & horror.

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Well since it’s
You can call me rabbit! I love drawing fashion and gals styled from the 1920’s to the 1960’s
Still a bit new to digital art, but I’m looking forward growing my skills!
(I also really love making digital brushes for firealpaca)

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I draw lots of fan art and stuff of my OCs from my machinima series Desolation.

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Hi I'm Avi, a recently graduated 3D Animator looking for internships and jobs in the field. I also do freelance illustration and am working on my own original content.

✉️ colorfulcaldwell.com
🌐 https://t.co/eKAvnd78rB
📺 https://t.co/24GvrQIHxB

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Just trying out These were some of my recent artworks.

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Wow, it's I am an illustrator and webcomic artist that likes drawing expressively wonky and colorful works! ✨
⭐️my webcomic, https://t.co/3pq0H72rNe

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I'm Katie, a freelance illustrator and comic book artist! I'm looking for covers/illustration work as well as smaller comic projects.

💙Contact: katie.com
💜Site: https://t.co/OuZh4HzSXY
💙Shop: https://t.co/o07LpVhVaK

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Oh hay

I am a concept artist and cinematic storyboard artist. Probably made people cry watching Gears 5 cinematics, especially THE ENDING. Design-wise I dig characters and environments because it all feeds into story, even convo cutscenes. PS: I LOVE SCIFI

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Hello I'm Arielle, a Filipina-American illustrator & comic artist. 💖 The most recent work I have is under wraps, so instead have some greatest hits. ✨

🛍️ https://t.co/I0DBKVUBuD
📸 https://t.co/V5024ItpB2

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☕️#PortfolioDay~ Hi! I'm Jessica, an illustrator and indiedev with a love for surreal things that creep in our dreams.

Lonely Egg Studio co-founder, leading our 1st game "In The Keeper's Shadow." Open for contract work!

✉️: Jessicafongart.com
🎨: https://t.co/rLE7gY90rZ

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Happy I'm Ralphi Burgess and I'm an illustrator and sfx artist

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Holler @ My name's Ohmi & I love character creation & cover art. Currently open for commissions & freelance work. Based out of North Bay California 🥑
📩: ohmiyoni @ gmail
🎨: https://t.co/TApyDA7ECD

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Hey looks like it's
I'm Morniae, a french comic student in his last grade. Doing illustration and comics about and :D (and also some fandom stuff like
Here's my main blog : https://t.co/8m2HyGWnfM

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I'm Koyorin, freelance illustrator and character designer! I have experience working on character art for videogames~

Here's some of my personal work for

💌 koyorinart.com

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I'm Shadi, and I'm spending more time drawing comics these days. I love using bright colours and am playing around with more dynamic approaches to illustration and pin-ups.

Instagram: https://t.co/Ny8NhONKin
email: viciousvioletpro.com

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Heyo I'm Zakiya, a caribbean-american freelance illustrator from NY looking for work in editorial Frequently worked with buzzfeed news/reader.

⚡ thezakiyan.com
⚡ IG: https://t.co/tyNYLRFzk5

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