✨ I spy with my little eye someone who is SO soggy their pants changed colors! ---> 👀#ISpyTag

37 371

✨ It's never too late or too early for a GIGANTIC mountain of cookies 🍪 and milk! 🥛♡

22 171

✨ If sugar was good for me I'd eat __________ daily! ♡ 💬

31 202

✨ Everybody knows that __________ is the BEST color! ♡ 💬

2 25

✨ When the going gets tough, the tough orders pizza! 🍕🤩♡

7 31

✨ Do you know how you know you've lost something? When it can't be found! ~ Let's be lost together. It's far better that way! 🤗 ♡

12 64

✨ That feeling when you realize you have mini corndogs and chicken nuggets in your freezer. ♡

12 90

✨ How do we work backward from chocolate? We don't! Like life, we just eat it. 🍫 ♡

22 120

✨ My biggest fear growing up was __________. ♡ 💬

17 87

✨ If the rhythms of life fall offbeat 🎶 , sit on a big chair, and conduct the beat with your swinging feet! 👟 👟 ♡

16 81

✨ My favorite birthday gift growing up was __________. ♡ 💬

6 33

✨ The first thing I ever collected was __________. ♡ 💬

9 39

✨ The first sport I ever played was __________. ♡ 💬

25 131