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42話「The Weak are Prey for the Strong」は5月3日更新予定です。


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A quick concept sketch about Alastor how to prey the sacrifices:

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Who's the prey?

OC art - wip

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Oh neat this was a pretty fun first episode.
He's a goblin that evolves and gets powers by eating his prey.
It's not something entirely new, but it was a pretty fun first episode.
Created a goblin army lmao.

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今のBIRDS OF PREY誌のブラックキャナリーのコスが少し昔の女子プロレスラーみたいな感じで結構好きなフォルム。

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Also another guy introduced -

Name: EN: Sanmon, JP: 三門 (literal 3 Gates)
Kicchou family's Jail warden and interrogator if any

mostly I think this guy lives underground or goes out to eat/find prey in the animal hell city

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ハーレイ絡みでポイズン・アイビーを実写化するなら『Welcome to METROPOLIS』をベースにしてほしい。『Birds of Prey』の終わりが旅に出る感じだったから結構ピッタリな気がするんだけど。

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shark found her prey tonight🍽️

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(1/2) Despite their best efforts, the shrunken WoL was helpless as Yotsuyu toyed with her new prey. Laying them on her tongue, she snuffs any attempt to resist with a cruel bite before flipping her now injured and less resistant plaything over

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『Birds of Prey』面白いな。にしてもマップスがメリディアンになる過程のお話って読んでないシリーズか何かであったのかしら?

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"I like to call the creatures of Grimm something else. Some call them monsters, I call them prey!"

OC Character Illustration commissioned by . Thank you!

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The kot may run or hide

but no matter where she runs or hides, the fox always finds its prey

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A Pokémon who is on the ground and can hunt more effectively. The clever Archeops is known to hunt in gangs for prey.

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wip! really loving the idea of piratexsiren. I hope draco drowns his newest prey (harry) 🙂🙃 https://t.co/0IXqlkGR6J

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Little vamipire and his prey 🫵😦

Lock your window before going to bed.


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A Pokemon who licks the prey with its gaseous tongue, causing death-defying spasms in the victim; it can float through walls as well.

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