Beware “THE COBB”! It crawls, it creeps, it eats your produce alive! It’s indestructible, it’s indescribable and NOTHING can stop it!

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Hanging out with bad apples 🍎 is honestly not as “appealing” as it might seem to be. 🍏 🔪


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Devi’s welcomes her man home! But who could it be?!? 🤔😈 find out next time! 🌝 Oh also this is Devis’s future self and her twin boys Dagon (white) and Drake(black)

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Kaitlin dressing for cooler weather lol, honestly i just wanted an excuse to draw her in one of those fluffy hats lmao 🤣

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Andromeda, an alien who has a hatred for humanity! She’s the last of Dynamite Girls 5 Villians and a very dangerous one at that! Now to actually do something with them lol

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Today’s a good day as any to bring back my [SOLD] of reluctant gay/bisexual icon 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

and on

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Had the need to draw my sassy queen again 😌 Kaitlin did her hair differently today and people were confused lol 😂

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