# mlqc

This time, matching color and accessories,
2 rings, 2 necklaces (1 is inside my shirt haha)

3 8

Lil Vic will be replacing me today. I worked a bit too hard for baking orders, so i'm tired... 😴

5 19

“I love you, that means I'm not just here for the pretty parts and the happy days. I'm here for the rough and the bad days. I'm here no matter what.”

Gavin your B Girl is here. No matter what.

This selca day we match! Both black and white with flowers!

3 12

Oh, don't mind me & lil Vic~ We pose for the camera 📸💖

0 18

but i am sick rn so forgive me-

1 16

(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)(っω⊂)❤✨ Lil vic appears again for

1 17

Have lunch with him. I'm a little pale because a lot of lecture reports. Just watching him eat gives me energy (/^-^(^ ^*)/

2 13

Here we are, sitting..
..in each other's heart. ❤️🌹

2 28

nunggu dijemput ayang, mau kondangan

0 21

Just keep swimming~ just keep swimming~

Don't worry I'll be careful, I have a handsome lifeguard on duty here~ 🤭

3 20

This selca day we match! Love you my Devil Gavin hehe.

2 11

That moment when it's pride but also so you just wanna show every one that yes you DO like some men-

2 10