It’s – a day to highlight everything incredible, amazing and mind-blowing about our oceans, and the important role they play!

One ocean, one climate, one future – together.


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Sejak dulu kala laut telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kami. Sampai suatu hari..... datanglah mereka pasukan berbaju rapi yang katanya ingin menyejahterakan kami. Bukannya sejahtera, kesejahteraan kami malah dirampas.

Tak ada lagi yang tersisa.

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Lovely Challenge by Greenpeace, that I just had to take part in 🐳

In love with marine life since I was a young kid. Being fascinated by the diversity of it and great perseverance of species.

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Happy 🐋🥳

Fun fact: during our team meetings, hosts "Nature's Corner" and teaches us the most unusual, funny facts about animals.

Today we share some of the whale facts with you!

on World Whale Day >>

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A worried whale for With all the enviromental threats of pollution, plastics and overfishing we need to

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I just read that it's 🦈🌊

These beautiful creatures deserve better than the bad reputation they still have.

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Not only are whales gorgeous animals that are facing a multitude of problems in the oceans today, but they hold an important role in helping us tackle climate change.
📷: with

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40 artists have taken the challenge to spread the love of the oceans, recreating - a place, yes it's real! Here's a selection by: and

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This is the Lost City. Deep sea mining threatens to destroy magical places like this in the ocean. Sign the petition by to help protect our oceans 💙

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The incredible took on the challenge! One image is the with it's weird & wonderful creatures, the other the looming threat of the deep sea mining industry's drills 😲#drawthisinyourstyle

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🌊 Celebramos el realizando una versión de la maravillosa ilustradora . ¿Os gusta nuestro basado en la idea de las

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Art & Message by

海を守るキャンペーン >>


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