betty is kinda bummin’ lately so i drew her a pugicorn to try and cheer her up
Dahlia thought it was National Pugicorn day and has requested this book to read! #NationalUnicornDay #picturebook #kidlit #kidlitart #writingcommunity #pugs #puglife
🌈 It's Unicorn day!! Hopefully this amazing Pugicorn will do 🦄🐶 Have you recruited Minty Bark? 💚
Our Lead Artist @MagnetiteMagpie made this wonderful fanart of Minty Bark 😍🎨
#DungeonDogs #Fanart #BestFansEver
#mobilegame #drawingoftheday #fanart #dogart #doggame
Cuteness overload! Pugicorn is not only the cutest character ever, but he also shows his Princess just how cool he is, even though he is different. My Y1 classes ❤️ it! Must have for your #library
Great story by #MatildaRose, and amazing illustrations by @timbudgen #book
Just 4 weeks to go till Starwhal ( the sequel to Pugicorn) is published ! Here's a little half spread sneak peek 😀 🐟🐠🐡🦈🧜 - loved working on this book 😀 #kidlitart
Win these books! Visit: ❤️No Longer Alone by @Poetryjoe & Robyn Wilson-Owen ❤️Pirates Don't Go To School by Alan MacDonald & Magda Brol ❤️The Mole and the Hole by Brayden Kowalczuk ❤️ Pugicorn by @timbudgen & Matilda Rose
On Red Reading Hub blog today is Matilda Rose & @timbudgen adorable character #Pugicorn @OrchardBooks #review ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Win top new books!
❤️The Biggest Story - Sarah Coyle/Dan Taylor @EgmontUK ❤️In Every House, In Every Street - Jess Hitchman/Lili la Baleen @LittleTigerUK ❤️Pugicorn - Matilda Rose/@timbudgen @hodderchildrens ❤️Nuts! - Lou Peacock/Yasmeen Ismail @NosyCrow
Chip the Pugicorn will be there! ...He is making his first trip to London 😍 @WaterstonesCovG