Comment ces mots sont-ils nés ? Qui les a inventés ? Des stratégies d’influence au lancement, quel est le parcours d’un mot ? 🤔 On vous donne RDV avec ce 10 mars 2021 à 18h30 pour répondre à ces questions 👉

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I have a high degree of confidence that at least one of these Pokemon believes in Qanon.

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The Uncontested WORST YODA OF 2020 IS....


This Yoda clearly identifies some of the worst parts of 2020. You can tell he is obsessed with Elon Musk, he has burned through 20 GPUs, and probably believes in QAnon.

Truly a horrific Yoda for a horrific year.

Fuck him

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terrapiattisti, ,5G e QAnon. Rimpiango l'innocente creduloneria delle pubblicità sul giornalino l'intrepido

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EmpireWire cartoon: Taking the temperature of

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All those Qanon conspiracy theorist morons best recognize that there is only one true Qanon. And Kuroda will make you look like a damn fool using him.

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Anonymous is not a secret unified group of chaotic good hackers.

It started out as 4chan nerds pranking ppl & mostly turned into teens "protesting" (read: holding up signs w/memes & wearing G.Fawkes masks) Scientology

Take things credited to Anon w/a grain of salt. See QAnon.

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