¡Tengo diseño nuevo en Pampling y Qwertee! Inspirado en Edward Scissorhands, una de mis películas favoritas. Si os gusta votad y compartid, pls ❤️

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New design ready for voting on
Nuevo diseño listo para votar en Qwertee! https://t.co/NMIqTkL3Ze

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3 new designs up to vote on Qwertee!

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HABEMUS FECHA! Este domingo no os gastéis todas las bayas en nabos porque Juliana se va a pasar también por Qwertee! Nuestra cami estará a la venta (11€) durante 24 horas! ¿Qué os parece? ^^

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El día de los nabos va a ser más real que nunca! Este sábado noche y hasta el domingo noche, Juliana va a visitar Qwertee! Tened las bayas preparadas porque es una oferta especial que sólo durará 24 horas!

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GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Turns out that Turnipsday is going real! This Saturday night 'till Sunday night Daisy Mae is visiting Qwertee! Be ready to catch up the special offer, cause it's gone after 24h! Thank you all!

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GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! Turns out that Turnipsday is going real! This Saturday night 'till Sunday night Daisy Mae is visiting Qwertee! Be ready to catch up the special offer, cause it's gone after 24h! Thank you all!

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¿Podéis echarme una manita y votar este diseñito?

A ver si conseguimos hacerlo camiseta en qwertee!! <3<3<3

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The Beaky Blinders! This design is up for voting on Qwertee! Vote and help make this a t shirt! https://t.co/FDAowmYMdA

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Our latest designs are ready to receive your love in Qwertee! 😍 We hope you like them! Which one do you like the most? Let us know your opinion!


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Nuestros últimos diseños están listos para recibir vuestro amor en Qwertee! 😍 Esperamos que os gusten! ¿Cuál os gusta más? Dejadnos saber vuestra opinión!


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Yay! I have a new design up for votes on So please vote for it, it's FREE :D - https://t.co/SsAmQfvRzG
I wonder if there are still a lot of Dexter fans out there? :3 ×

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"VITAMIN C" my new design is up for voting at Qwertee!! https://t.co/5qQG9vR6I1

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Warning warning warning, gonna short-circuit their identity!! My 3rd and final PERSOMON design is up for votes on If you can, please vote for me (coz I could use the money x'D) - https://t.co/EsJ1PldVD3 ×

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They will burn their dread!! My 2nd PERSOMON design is up for votes on If you can, please vote for me (coz I could use the money x'D) - https://t.co/C8OflCr7HB ×

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You'll never see them coming!! My first PERSOMON design is up for votes on If you can, please vote for me (coz I could use the money x'D) - https://t.co/BlPg8Sanph ×

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Welcome to Wonderland en Qwertee!!!
Ya podéis votarla para que salga a la venta!!

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I have these 4 designs up to vote on Qwertee!


Every vote counts, thanks!! 💜

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Our first design its up for voting on qwertee! 🔥🔥🔥 if you like it, vote and share,you’re helping us a lot 😘


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Qué calor ni qué calor; mirad a este pobre, os quejáis de vicio!

Nuestro primer diseño está para votar en Qwertee! 🔥🔥🔥 si os gusta votadlo y compartid, nos hacéis un enorme favor! 😘

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