simping a little for the bulky fatigued hermit man lately 😔💖

4 10

office romance kinda AU

this has been sitting on my wip for so long its finally got liberated today!!

45 141


2 4

incubi/human au but it's throuple eiden/quincy/kuya. literally no thoughts went into this I just wanted 🦊8⃣ to bother 💤

41 186

QuinEiden yummy tiddie buns😋

178 805

I really love your QuinEi drawings, especially the little comic about Quincy's silent comfort for Eiden!!

It was so beautiful!!

And then I saw the date and just 😢

But welcome back!!

0 1

PLEASR YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE ME, I BE CLOWNING and waiting for beautiful arts. Least I can do is sjow my enthusiasm-

And I really like your artsyle and coloring. Warm, tender and it's just too beautiful everytime I see your QuinEi arts

0 1

Everyday we are blessed with the holy sexy QuinEid arts from our Lord sir JAKSAM and we are thankful-

But sir, take care of yourself too. Arts so fast and always fully rendered I am concerned for your health, and spine.

Rest plenty if you have too!

We still love you anyways-

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