tried to go for characters from media i think are more unfamiliar to you, but ofc there's also reanimator, shin, gabriel, gregory, myers, sonic and shadow and knuckles, etc etc

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Other of mine include those with the Effigies of the Dark Young, Flying Polyp, the Reanimator, and Lord Nodens (plus Nightgaunts)

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Loki the God reanimator, among Marvel's mystics he has the most finesse... Argue with the wall 🐍🍷

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The Legion ANSI of the Week: “Swemag Awards” by Reanimator, Big Yellow Man and Bizzarro

Released in July 1998 as part of The Legion Chapter 4, “Solace”.
Check out the entire Chapter:

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Olha a capa da segunda edição do gibi Matadouro de Unicórnios do Juscelino Neco 😱😍 Publicado pela Editora Veneta em 2016, a nova edição sairá em setembro de 2020, pegando rabeira no próximo lançamento do Juscelino, Reanimator, que deve sair ainda este ano. Só vem!

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watched bride of reanimator, so! reanimated roadkill fellow. started off as a raccoon, now scavenges off other roadkill animals to replace parts that have gotten too rotten. guts pop out often. prefers other raccoon parts but will take whatever he can get when it comes down to it

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