El cofundador de Rocksteady, Jamie Walker en la entrevista:

"Los creadores de juegos de hoy son el futuro de la industria de los juegos y hemos estado buscando durante mucho tiempo encontrar una manera impactante de ayudar a traer talento nuevo y subrepresentado a la industria"

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I’ve been slowly working on it, I actually started it on here a while back, but once I had the ending and whatnot I figured I’d save it. Gonna work on getting it published once I have the bulk of it done. Changes must be made, since I can’t use Rocksteady, haha

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Employees from Rocksteady, Ninja Theory, Gearbox and Bioware are working on Fable


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Des anciens de chez Rocksteady, Ninja Theory, Gearbox et Bioware travaillent sur Fable.


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Question of the day:
With all the speculation regarding new DC games. Which hero/hero team would you choose to give their own game❓

Mine would either be a Superman game or a Green Arrow game both developed by rocksteady, as I think they would do a great job‼️

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Je ferai un petit focus sur la carrière & univers de l'artiste : issu de l’école Emile Cohl, Peyravernay est un concept artiste accompli qui oeuvre pour le jeu vidéo et le cinéma d'animation (Arkane, Unit Image, Blur, Warner Bros, Rocksteady, Netflix).

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На днях в сети зарегистрировали домены для игр по франшизам DC — Suicide Squad и Gotham Knights.

Возможно, это тайтлы от студий WB Montreal и Rocksteady, которые могут представить на мероприятии в конце августа


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is spinning his reggae, rocksteady, and dub collection for the next hour in Numero at Noonish. Come join us for the full experience and snag a 25% Off Color Vinyl Code from our Store.


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All of the NECA TMNT Lootcrate figures have now been revealed: Mirage Shredder, Arcade Electrocuted Turtle, Bunny Rocksteady, and Bunny Bebop - https://t.co/QDNHngAnPJ

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Bebop and Rocksteady, "My Man!"

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Commissioned to do up my boy Julian from (With Rocksteady, Ashley, and Erik)

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I'm Sylvain, art director of , creator of Forest of Liars and concept artist : https://t.co/31W9EYPP6j
I worked these last years with Guerrilla Games, Electronic Arts, Rocksteady, Illumination, Ubi, and various studios.

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