Wanted to get this done during the ‘cast vacation’ but life got in the way. How I imagine the crew killed time between s3e5&6.Elyse in jail for cheating as banker.Finbar & VR-LA cant handle losing to Plug.Kyana ♥️tiny game pieces.

17 98

So the second episode of season 3 is now my second faaaavoriiiiite.......

9 96

Some anyone?
The new ep has ended me so I went back and relistened to some older ones and was struck with the need to draw Maxim’s intro. Also have an Ione, she’s looking very sad for some reason, hope we see her in the new season!

6 61

The October prompt for today has an obvious direction, a less obvious direction, And The Direction I Took.
Day 6: Blue - with Blue's guest character who I've become Incredibly Attached To.

13 114

Finbar for your meme needs! Feel free to use.

6 61

This is your scheduled reminder to listen to it’s SUCH a good dnd podcast and I need someone to talk about Dani with please

16 106

First fanart I've done in like... a year or so? For 's Dani and Plug ♡ Really makes me wanna draw more mechanical animals.

14 110

I only now realized that I only shared my MR-SN drawing on Discord, so have The Only Captain In with actual experience captaining a Spelljammer.

10 76

Okay so I know I've posted like three or four other fanarts in the past 24 hours but The Big Revival by Kenney Chesney is VIBES and I needed these lyrics held up against my blorbos.

5 57

Hi, Friday's is still Affecting Me, and my only choice for getting out the emotions inside of my me is making fantast about it.

9 97


14 102

Issue I: A Matter of the Heart
(First episode Comic Book Cover inspired by Austin’s answer the question I asked in the Mid-Seaon Q&A)

13 104

Hans Jaeger Junior
(Thank you Blue for this delightfully soft bean with killer one-liners)

2 26

We love an emotionally abused cleric with PTSD and a cowardice complex. AND he's an Aasimar????? Excellent first guest appearance by Blue, full marks in spite of my personal disappointment realizing Hans was not in fact a they/them.

9 82

S2E2 was a mess from beginning to end,in the best way.Thank you for bestowing the most beautiful disaster I could have imagined.I haven’t had this much fun since da Yubnub.

23 161

Time for the gala episode! Made Dani’s wrap but was so happy with her tattoos,guess I’ll show both versions. In love with Finbar’s boots. Thanks to the cast of for something to love enough to get me out of my artistic comfort zone.

9 114