i am super proud of this background though because dathomirian landscapes? sign me up

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The atmosphere in this one shot is breathtaking. It's an abrupt departure from the chaos up above and is otherworldly (where's that light coming from? oh well I suppose its a holy place). I'm content to sit and wait while Aerith works

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Here's a closeup of the dead and blooming sakura trees that I think turned out pretty evocative of the original game! Planning to have them toggle to bloomed on player interact to emulate the bloom brush

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I hope we can do great things together.
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So, let's talk about how strange the enemies are in Mother/Earthbound Beginnings and how the player interacts with them. Despite it's childlike charm, the enemies are frankly disturbing or unsettling. It twists everyday objects/animals and creates something new 1/

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