I made this picture as a commission for Siryujin.
Thank you for your request! https://t.co/kL7OnQkPpu

17 49

*hqart warning spoiler (jaga-jaga), crossover ryujin nippon

kita shinsuke in ryujin nippon's uniform (btw itu sponsornya sender plesetin yaa🙏)

art by sender

19 229

Ryujin🐉 Aiyume-san


4 17


0 3

I needed a break from writing, so have this 221216 instead which I made as a practice for a different style

39 136

"Have no fear of making mistakes. Just enjoy the process."

This is Ryujin of ITZY and the Gold Lane. She's proud, fervent, and brave. Join her now in ALLSTAR and become a Superstar of Gold Lane!

"Follow Me! We got 'em all!"

0 1

Jungler main! But since Ryujin will be playing as a gold laner, I think I'm going to play more marksman heroes now 😂

32346438 (3041)

0 3

Yeji, Lia, & Ryujin From Itzy ready to Join ALLStar and be the Superstar

Who next?

145 614

Character designs for Kiyanna and Ryujin from “Omnia”

2 1

"Jangan takut membuat kesalahan. Nikmati saja prosesnya."

Ryujin dari ITZY di sini. Dia menempati Gold Lane.
Seperti Gold Laner lainnya, dia hebat, bersemangat, percaya diri, & pemberani!
Ikuti perjalanannya di ALLSTAR sekarang jadilah Superstar Gold Lane!

719 2479

available now!
"Angry Legends" Ryu Nft is available !
0.03 ETH
6000 x 6000 high resolution
u can buy from the link and support me 🔹

0 7

Collection “Japanese Mythology”
🐉 Ryujin

💙0,07 $ETH
💎open for offers


1 2

Summary of Ryujin's Vlog today

82 377

I still really love my Yeji and Ryujin drawings from way back in 2020💥🌟

21 141


66 293

Encomendinha de Colored Sketch pra lindona da @.MayumiRyujin 💚

24 161