Brunhilde the Valkyrie: superb mini sculpted by Shane Hoyle, based on Arthur Rackham's classic illustration.

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Has any mythology or folklore, Norse or otherwise, not benefitted from Arthur Rackham's illustrations?

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Spotlight on illustrated books: Arthur Rackham's illustrations for J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens (1907) has just joined our shelves! Such intricate detail on each plate. We love it.

Full description here:

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The giants Fafner and Fasolt seize Freyja in Arthur Rackham's illustration of Richard Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1910

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Celebrating Edgar Allan Poe's birthday with Arthur Rackham's illustrations for The Pit and the Pendulum and The Tell-Tale Heart. (1935)

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This was an assignment where we had to take an artist's work and draw it in our own style/inspired by it. I took Arthur Rackham's 'Alice in Wonderland' and drew my OC. Here they are side by side!

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This was an assignment where we had to take an artist's piece and draw it in our own style/inspired by it. I decided to go with one of Arthur Rackham's 'Alice in Wonderland ' illustrations :)
Here they are side by side!

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Santa Claus from Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures 1907

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Hans Thoma's (1896) and Arthur Rackham's (1911) depictions of Siegfried and Mime from Der Ring des Nibelungen

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Arthur Rackham's incredible illustrations to Richard Wagner's equally incredible "Der Ring des Nibelungen" (The Ring of the Nibelung).

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Alice in Wonderland

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* "Ohe! Ohe! / Horrible dragon, me not! / Spare the life of poor Loge!"
* "The Rhine's pure-gleaming children / Told me of their sorrow"

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* The Rhine's fair children / Bewailing their lost gold, weep"
* Mime writhes under the lashes he receives"

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* "Seize the despoiler / Rescue the gold! / Help us! Help us! / Woe! Woe!"
* "Mock away! Mock! / The Niblung
makes for you toy!"

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* The Frolic of the Rhine-Maidens
* The Rhine-Maidens teasing Alberich

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Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures 1913より

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Arthur Rackham's Gothic Alice in Wonderland illustrations. At the time, in 1907, many felt that Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations for Alice (1865) had become so iconic that any other interpretation was blasphemy. However, Rackham made Alice both more sweet & more scary.

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“Many's the man/ who thought himself wise/ but what he needed/ he did not know...”
Richard Wagner, The Ring of the Nibelung
... last week's major achievement: all 60 of Rackham's "Ring" cycle illustrations pinned to my "Gilded Age" board on

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