Now that all the art for of is done I’ll be grinding on the Bushido Friends collection l.

💪 This is a free drop for 7 samurai and higher holders and for a limited time only!

Jump in our discord for details!

6 10

Artistas que realmente criam e arte q tem dedicação e alma.
AI é o carai…

12 79

Dang…that’s dope!! You got the Samurai AND Hunter glasses!! PADTACULAR Choice!! I’ve got 1 double Hunter trait Welcome to the Fam! I love the Samurai…This edit is by ! 🔥 Thanks You🙏

1 5

I love it how you all talk about Everai…
Definitely bullish on the community

0 3

ARTFINDER: Budongo Chimp by Rosie Mark - A portrait of one of Edinburgh Zoo's Budongo Trai… - via 🐒

4 8

I can imagine he will do this to someone who said


225 673

Pour « fêter » ça, un petit doodle pour m’habituer à CSP sur iPad ☺️ !
En vrai…Je pense que je ne peux plus me passer de c’t’outil maintenant xD et puis je vais pas râler pour 20€/an 😅 (dans mes souvenirs c’était plus cher)

0 3

At this rate we’ll probably see all these get a figure before samurai………..sigh

35 171

YES! Hisuian Decidueye is a “wandering”Ronin! And it seems Samurott went from a honorable/good samurai to a dishonorable/evil samurai…Typhlosion seems to be some type of spirit guide but honestly it’s kind of a boring explanation with not much added 🥲

225 1675

Don’t be afrai….*PANG*

Imagine he looks a bit like kohaku from WISH 👀

0 4

Ah,felicità,su quale treno della notte viaggerai?
La so che passerai… ma come sempre,non ti fermi mai!
Lucio Dalla
Richard Bergh

13 27