Next chapter coming soon! The Royal Wonder is about to get seriously steamy, so get ready!

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are open for stories! My prices for are listed as such.
28k - 30k words is $250 13k - 15k words is $140, 10k - 11k words is $110, 7k - 9k words is $90
Some restrictions apply. Message me for details on commissioning or otherwise.

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Yet another reason why is awesome! is on the scene, ready to run into the horde of horse
Letty is a proud addition to Check one of her stories!

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If you want the most sensual lover with the biggest the other side of look no further than He has that little for that little extraordinary. Read all about his soft touch!

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Guess who has the tightest ass this side of This of can flex some if you catch my obvious drift! Read about this sweet right here!

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Our very own beauty of Journalism, Jet Stream! Check this Pretty Pegasus out! She is soon to have a new story set up for and soon to come out! Check out one of her stories here!

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