It’s the ultimate game of capture the flag and the Gruul Clan aims to win! Played by in this special episode!

“I’m lotioning up my hands so they are juiced up for magic.” ☠️

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Pledging loyalty to the Orzhov Syndicate won’t save you but what have you got to lose? Played by in this special podcast episode!

“Lady, we’re not tryin’ to sharpen your horns, we just want money!”… 🏦

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Dive into the ancient oceans beneath Ravnica to find a missing member of the Simic Combine played by in this special podcast!

“I don't think that's how digestion works....Stomach butt eyes, right?” 🦀

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Pledging loyalty to the Orzhov Syndicate won’t save you but what have you got to lose? Played by in this special podcast episode!

“Lady, we’re not tryin’ to sharpen your horns, we just want money!” 🏦

3 8

Dive into the ancient oceans beneath Ravnica to find a missing member of the Simic Combine played by in this special podcast!

“I don't think that's how digestion works....Stomach butt eyes, right?” 🦀

3 12

Prepare yourself for the pain musicians of the Cult of Rakdos played by in this special episode in collaboration with !

“Eldritch Lance was my first boyfriend.” 🔥 🎪

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