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"Prior is an excellent writer, and you can’t ask for more than an excellent writer thinking deeply and creatively about excellent writing." https://t.co/yatLndk8za

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"Redefines what it means to be well-read. It’s less about how much you read and more about how much you gain from what you read." - at https://t.co/ZEIAElbbBC

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"A reminder of the importance of literature to get us to think about what we think about and why we think about 'it.' God. Death. Faith. Love. Life." - https://t.co/G9iA7IAaN7

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"An engaging read that should motivate readers to rethink what virtues they have developed and which ones need some reclamation work." - Bill Tammeus https://t.co/3g5YuH2rgw

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Great Books Teach Us How (Not What) to Think

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"I have nothing but praise for this book. It exemplifies how to read well, both in the sense of reading closely and of reading through the lens of moral analysis." - George P. Wood at https://t.co/MbN2DowR50

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"Read with the wise, and you become wise. Prior’s lived-in wisdom resonates throughout and time spent with the book feels like turning a page in my own story." - Aarik Danielsen https://t.co/tPvAtNqlWr

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Left house at seven. Just got in. Worked at two brilliant events today with for and for . It was great talking with everyone. Books people are nice people. Well done teams.

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In pities the man who believes he is exceptional when he is in fact quite ordinary.

The problem is not with being ordinary but with our conceited fantasies that prevent us from enjoying the divinely ordinary things of life.


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