"Hides the pain by being tamvan"

Happuy 25k subs Ejak!!!
Photo ref: @/Morisuke08

16 66

"Begadang jangan begadang, kalau tiada artinya" -Rhoma Irama

14 67

Welp I am late. But, all I can say is that it's better to be late than never. Just keep achieving what you have in your own phase. No pressure.

13 44

"well... you might be wondering
how did i get into this mess in the first place...
the answer is... i didn't sleep last night..."

15 49

Tak jarang hal-hal kecil dapat membahagikan diri mu. Dan tak jarang pula kebahagian kecil tersebut adalah hal yang membuatmu mampu terus maju, menjalani hari-hari mu. Semoga kita semua mampu menemukan kebahagiaan kecil itu.

19 72

Sometimes adding a familiar twist while doing unfamiliar stuff can make you feel alright

just as YOLANDAAAAAAAA-ing your heart out in the end of every song

20 57

"When the internet connection is gulu gulu again"

18 60

Wah 25k subs, congrats Jak
Jangan berantem sama Awan, apalagi berantem sama kehidupan ya🙏

30 118

"Sometimes, you are the reason for us to keep living until today. And you are our reason for waiting for tomorrow. No need to think too much about it, you just does"

21 61

there are times even when your success is a hurdle of its own, good luck! (just like the unflipped picture below, mistakes happen and you have to forgive yourself for doing it~)

24 63

"Saya aslinya dua orang. Satunya saya gak tau kok exist di sini, satu lagi kabur ke v̸̬̓o̴̗͆i̶̮̓ď̵̳"

wait, tapi kata ejak, ejak dua dipecat dari channel ejak--

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pas orang tiba tiba ngeriajuu di depan muka :

this also works in a family gathering situation and the oh so famous "kapan nikah?" line appears, biar bisa jawab gimana kalau mas sama aku wink wonk

19 62

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. Tapi bukan berarti Mas Awan bisa ngabaiin Mas Ejak, mas..

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