She’s quite an odd one
Hera once gaining her cherubim status grew tired of working with humanity and took in interest into heavens ..”neighbors “

1 12

Opposites attract 😈❤️😇#helluvabossoc

5 31

a holy peacock cheribum and a jester oraphim

4 17

Just felt like Hera with a bunch of pikmin (inserts ramble about my pikmin brain rot )

2 16

A blissful morning in heavens light fir Hera and bubble

6 29

Yeah Mona’s contribution to the Cast is a tracker throughout the divine trinity as well as being of the few with skilled driving the orb more less enhances her senses

3 23

✨Meeting in the middle ✨#RecordsOffice

3 29

Do I really bother you ?
Quill newest hire likes to pick on Mona especially just the fact she plays tough when she looks cute

2 16

We got the whole cast here! Documenting and commentating of coming of odd goings of the Hell earth and Heaven

4 21

Hera in her costume well kinda a costume she’d be a good nun strict but constructive if not a lil air headed

4 24

Hera ozzie character fusion i cant help it i like the colors both of em got💙🦚

9 58

Mild continuation of a comic I’ll prolly never finish about Hera confronting CHERUB to finalize their banishment for the records 2 sides of a story and all that.

2 25

heaven design for Hera kind of a fancy formal wear as a cherubim has 4 heads cow, lion, and human a fine bouquet of gods creations on one creature (that prefers the bird form )

9 37

Happy Birthday to the one and only pec biter and best friend who's like a gremlin sister to me, AlienGooPile (())!

Have some GooPile "Space Cake!"

1 6