commission for @/princeredvelvet's character

4 28

RV team's ig stories at L'Escape hotel + IG post + today's teaser. This will be best looking MV and era, we can tell 🤩

161 469

Monsta x Kihyun and Shownu, inspired by redvelvet's monster!


9 37

DBTC1407 - Irene wip, follow-up on the chess theory for RBB

0 3

DBTC1405 - Wendy & Irene (Really Bad Boy) + The whole crew.


0 3

DBTC1404 - Seulgi (Really Bad Boy) + the previous members drawn so far. Might make a more relevant version for Yeri since the director didn't give her a giant knife like I wanted 😔 

0 2

DBTC1401 - Irene (Really Bad Boy). Christmas is postponed, guys. Halloween is December now.

2 5

DBTC1396 - Joy, Really Bad Boy
So here's another one in the log book for my "Red Velvet but with weapons" thingy, but I think it might become a sub-section for "but with GUNS." For example, Wendy gets a pocket pistol. If I ever decide to draw that, that is.

0 4

DBTC1381 - ...player three has entered the arena 👀

Seulgi & Irene WIP

0 1

DBTC1379 - Seulgi + Seulgi & Wendy WIP, because I really like her halloween look! And I felt like she needed a victim. Thanks for helping pick out Wendy's hairstyle, and actually I think I have a cool idea to work with now👌

1 4

DBTC1376 - Seulgi from the 2018 SMTOWN Wonderland Halloween party, WIP

0 4

Did a photo study of Joy in hanbok for the recent Chuseok holiday! ❤️ 🔫

56 42

[OFFICIAL] 141218 Official Facebook Update [2]

245 44