Die liebe Niji hat mir dieses tolle Bild gemalt wo Mao und Cappu mich in den Streamer Sog reinzogen <3

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Monster Hunter World AU! Hanzo and Reinhardt had a shake up on a hunt. Local Kirin chaser cries while Teostra buster tries to crack a joke but cries too. More news at 11.

1 8

It's nowhere near done, but yeehaw. tagging
I need to get better with tagging. lol

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painting practice to refresh between comms, wanted to do a design for old era au hanzo for a while now haha,,, might as well put some other au stuff as well (the reins were done w/ fountain pen a month or 2 ago, the reinzo was reinzoweek2017)

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เฉลย! Reinhardt x Hanzo จร้า!! กับ Knight & Dragon >>>https://t.co/BjQ53tI5m6<<< Pic credit : vermillionsketcher

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the sweetest stickiest reinzo

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