and last (for now), Harmony's older sister and talented field agent: Echo
She's a talented strategist and a very skilled Maverick Hunter, though most see her playful side

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Next up, IdolWoman's new form as Navigator Reploid, Harmony.
She's new around and a bit inexperienced, but here to lend a hand, following her sister's steps.

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Here's the next upgrade! InfoWoman is now Query.
She's still a no-nonsense Navigator who is a real stickler for the rules.
She's also sort of...embarrassed of her body.

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Reviving old Female Robot Masters as Reploids.
First one on the list, GelidWoman now is known as Aurora!
She still works in the Artic regions.

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Bonus, decided to take 's own Navigator, Gramm, give him a clean up and fix, and toss him in with The Sirens as well
He's less "evil" and more "devious"

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Also did solo shots for the villainess group, just in case you were more of a fan of JUST one and not all four
So here's Malware, Troja, Torrent, and Sigmalia, in order

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I did a little NecrOCmancy and revived three DiD themed Robot Masters into Reploid; seeing as how theres more...potential there.
Their names are Troja, Torrent, and Malware.

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Ampere wearing a labcoat (I also recorded the process for it but it may take a while to edit!)

This is also the short hair version

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Redesign of Ampere's latest armor (since the previous one looked pretty off)

Added more vampire vibes to it to fit the design

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Finished an old drawing
I just wanted to showcase Media's parasitic-like tendrils

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more Ampere (haven't drawn his ponytail in a while)

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A drawing of Media I was planning to 'animate' tho I'm not sure if I'll be able to

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My most recent artwork! Ft my Reploid OC Media ❣️

I had been wanting to draw in the 90's anime style for a while and here it's my first attempt!

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♦️ Drew my two favourite Reploid OCs, Media & Ampere (I had been wanting to draw the full bodies for a while!)

Also messing with shading again, so there's an altern version ♦️

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Redesigned another of my Reploid OCs ♦️
He's Adze- based on an african-firefly vampire

I kind of messed up the shading so there's a version w the normal colors ^^ ✨

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♦️Vampire-transformation design for one of my Reploid OCs 🦇♦️

(Heavily inspired on Jedah from Darkstalkers✨)

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