Thank you to for this suggestion!
Decided to make this a two parter, from the very first hug and now 🫂💖

15 90

Doodled Repo the other day, for he first time in what feels like 50 years

4 21

Mi otro headcanon es que seria de los borrachos que encuentras en las banquetas de cualquier sitio de latam xd
Also, no lo delinee ni coloriee x falta de tiempo. Pido perdón :c (Imaginen que esta borracho, no pude dibujar las latas de cerveza xd)

4 7

Hice a repomantis con gorrito de nachos jsjs como el de gru

Aun sigo sin saber como twitter acomoda las imágenes :v

8 12

Vestido para la ocasión

Paso tambie la imagen original

10 20

I realized too late that I made him deadlier,
Imagine The force of this version of on the boys’ shells... specially and

0 2

I really just wanna bring attention to how far I’ve come with my art since I’ve started watching Rise back when the eps first appeared sometime in July 2018?
Here’s the FIRST drawing I ever made of Repo Mantis 💜

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I don't really like sharing my self insert junk but I wanted post these since I think they came out nice!

6 21

days 1-4 which were all posted in the early mornings of the following day cause I have my sh*t together

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