A very small drawing I made of last night after feeling SOME FEELS. Thanks Sergei.

Drug use.

There are so many times when Reuben feels completely hopeless, lost, unloved. That's why he uses, so that he might feel something else other than sadness.

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Just some Reuben & Ruby sketches I crammed in before work. I really love making outfits for her - I would love to make a dress up game one day.

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Shower thoughts are where all the best ideas come from, and here it is! It was great anatomy practice too :') Missed Reuben

Sergei is owned by

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An imagining of Ruby if she took after her ex bf Chai O'Mine! The Kiss enthusiast :P It's very out of her style but she'd do anything for him x

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Perhaps one of the best artworks I've made with no other than Ruby and 's Sergei. At first there was innocence. Pure love.

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Since I always seem to draw the two in destruction of one another, here's a different take on their relationship. Perhaps with the right nurture Reuben could be something.

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Another gif that I made! The eyes definitely need more frames but I got lazy hhhh

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I tend to find myself drawing Ruby like the devil, but I swear it's all in their head. If she could, she'd kill Reuben. He's only wasted space anyway,,

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This was originally intended to be a simply drawing for a speedpaint but that quickly fell through! It's Reuben, ofc

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A drawing of 's Sergei all dragged up, by no other than Ruby ofc. I mean he'd like to believe he could do it himself, but he couldn't.

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Another Ruby, because let's face it, she's a gem---- This was mostly done for pose practice (cough).

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Ruby all dressed up cutely for a certain someone we know who likes sugar...and now he's drenched in honey. Ohhhhh honey,,

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So...if you didn't know, 's Sergei is a psycho! And extremely bloodthirsty. This is just one of the horrible things Ruby will let him do...

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There wasn't much reason for this picture, I just wanted to draw the lovely 's Sergei and Ruby uwu

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My very, very sad boy. Reuben when he was much younger. A poor, lonely soul

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Probably a better introduction drawing for my OC Ruby, but not paticularly a favourite of mine. Here she is! (and yes, I know her name looks like 'July' hhh)

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At the time this was one of the very first drawings I ever made of Ruby out of drag. His name is Reuben. I can't believe I never drew him before!

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And the other person who I seem to be drawing non-stop is the fabulous 's character Sergei. Ruby is enamored by his every being, sick or not.

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Introductions are always hard to write but this here is my most beloved OC, Ruby. She's the perfect Drag Queen with a heart made of gold. Believe me when I say you'll be seeing a lot of her ♡

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