ikr???? besides maleskk/femskk, I have this little guy named Arnold Revandi. in the original world he was a 14 year old human, but in my other work I turned him into a 28 year old salaryman angel lol

oh he's also a Revenant in Code Vein https://t.co/iNtEQ2Ildt

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Vanilla Buttercream Cookie? Idk yet what is their official name but I love her :3

2 6


В этой жизни главное — умение ждать.
И тот, кто овладел этим — обязательно овладеет собой и дождется того, чего искренне желает https://t.co/V6lWCKglji

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2 21

Eirlian and Revan are making fun of Amaihal, as usual

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