valenciae: un cetáceo odontoceto del mismo grupo que el cachalote, aunque su cráneo con el rostro alargado tenía una forma más parecida a la de los delfines de río. Vivió en las costas peruanas en el Mioceno (19 Maños)

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One of the oldest sperm whales! The new genus from is +- 18 myr old. Rhaphicetus was about 5 m long, had an very long snout and probably hunted small, fast-swimming prey. Today's sperm whales have a broad snout and 'suction feed' on squid 👉

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New pub by Lambert et al.: introducing Rhaphicetus, a plesiomorphic new fossil sperm whale with a small forehead and long snout from the early Miocene of Peru. "wtf" was my first comment when I saw this...

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