Yes, all of them. 👀
Rheilathan, Spider demon (from a RP), Arhe'ra (ice demon), Avhiraxis.

(Avhiraxis could be a demon meanwhile he's a void dragon.)

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She is Delyriah Ank'hael and Rheilathan, two of three main bbys in WoW.
Dely is a survival huntress, who doing bounty hunting as a side job and Rhei is my gloomhound-bound demon hunter. He has most of the time pokerface, but he can be a big hug boy too. ^^

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I don't have too many. (;___;)
Rheilathan, Astirrah, Kithaan and my void dragon, Avhiraxis. C:

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Here are some of them. :3
Rheilathan, Dreavnaon, Yrievl, Hydaron (the male character)

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My new warlock girl, Vraihna. ^^ She is blind, so she using a raven spell as her eyes.

Plus Blitzzi and Rheilathan, feel free to choose of them. ^^

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Left to right.
Delyriah, Nejatha, Rheilathan, Atheiros Ank'hael (Uncle of Delyriah, warlock)

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Rheilathan, demon hunter, who eaten a gloomhound... and mutated a bit. D: (still have to design armor for him)

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Did a fast while doing an art for a friend, gloomhound bf having inner demon breakout.

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