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Haven't touched my tablet in ages. Decided to make an art mocking Lucemon and his Royal Bitches. Now your eyes are blessed :)

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Ahh finally I have a digimon who is truly worthy of being Acanthus other parent and for me to pair with Rhodoknightmon, it's perfect. uvu

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Mais quand tu ne te fies qu'au anime.
A part RhodoKnightmon, tu n'as aucun élément pour le savoir en anime.
Vu qu'UlforceV-dramon a que une apparition et deux répliques en 8/9 anime Digimon.
Et que Sleipmon a un rôle qui lui est totalement propre vu le contexte de Savers

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Monster Hunter x Digimon
Rhodoknightmon Elder Dragon
Ailments: Bleed, stun

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Tras el enfrentamiento con RhodoKnightmon, nos perdemos en lo más profundo de un pasillo, en donde desapareceremos entre recuerdo, cuando una entidad poderosa va en nuestro auxilio


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I've been working on this illustration for a couple of days, it's not the that I like the most, but I admit that Uncle has style. I hope you like it

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This was actually my very first ever commission. From <3 A Royal Knights Digimon duo, Duftmon Leopardmon with Crusadermon LordKnightmon LoadKnightmon RhodoKnightmon darn multiple translations

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