Hi I'm still sick but it's the first day of the merry month!


🎨: Twee!

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This is sooo weird, I just updated the drivers for my interface so I had to fiddle with stuff before recording.. 🥴

But yeah, enjoy this half-asleep attempt at a throwback hit!

And uh.. RT's appreciated cause I like being embarrassed! 💚Nn~

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AAAA TYSM for the 2K follows on the bird app!!! 😭😭😭
It means so much from the bottom of my heart..

I swear I can do this song better but I just had to get it out before visitors come in town first thing in the morning. D:


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I love R&B.

I don't know what else to say but..
Enjoy my voice cracking~

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Hey y'all,
It's been awhile!

Pardon me for the mistakes but... this song just came back into my head after how long~

It's a shot in the dark, but I'll make it!

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G'evening, have a riff as I celebrate my new desk!

I just realized that I can't do this song while playing but I tried my best.

Enjoy this RnB hit from '04~

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It's been MANY years but this one makes me..
Feel 🔑❤️🌃.

Enjoy, and don't forget to wait till the end for a surprise! ✌️🏼

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I caught Otachan's debut today, and she said she wrote a song for her fans.

I love it so much that I tried to go by ear.. (me scuffed)

Being a fan of her content for a good, long while so I just had to!

Love you Otachan, if you'd see this I'd die. 🥺💜

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