I really like this CG. Chains, chains, chains, baby!

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The banter between these two is pretty funny at times.

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Oh hey, she's pretty cute. The female angel design appears to have smaller wings than the males.

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Omg, why can't I romance this delicious looking man! His VA was JP Snake from MGS too! *melts*

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Woah, slow down there Romeo, we're only in chapter 2! I'm

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Looks like you trigger routes as early as chapter one? Also, Astrum is giving me "lock you up in a cage" vibes already.

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You just met her like a few hours ago in game timespan. Thirst level confirmed.

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How the hell can you level when you literally got attacked within seconds of starting the game.

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This is when an MMO player evokes the almighty plea of "please power level me" .

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Another hottie enters the fray! Also, this title so far is really evoking a lot of .hack themes in it.

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Alright, time to start this thing! You can mute my let's play screenshots with All screened will be in this thread.

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