Due to the volatility of $CONK, the price of 'Waiting Girl' B-Side by is reduced by 50%.

Now listed on for 150Bn $CONK (= 970 $FTM).🙂

(for reference: FP on is 1.5K $FTM)

👉 https://t.co/i0XeNSNbTy 👈

0 4

OK, I've done it.

My treasured B-Side has been listed on the Wovven Conketplace NFT Market.

Only 10 of these were ever minted.

The FP (for all B-Sides) is 1K $FTM. Mine is listed for 400Bn $CONK, equivalent to 913 $FTM.



4 18

back to work. finally feeling well enough the last few days to get going again 🤷🏻‍♀️ still catching up on some dms tho 😓 more soon 🖤🤘🏻

12 77

wonder what fresh horrors await us next week 🪦

37 130

just another day speedrunning the timeline so i can get some work done in the lab 👩🏻‍💻

45 149

🎃 halloween costume idea: sexy solidity smart contract 🤷🏻‍♀️

have fun trick-or-treating! 🖤🤘🏻#riotgoools

20 93

is happening tonight at in la, curated by . you can see my work, Afterlife Party, among the work of 60+ amazing artists. just in time for halloween 🎃 https://t.co/VMiK9o3QUM

10 37

CypherGoool Chronicles // Scene 3: Peer to Peer

Begin transmission://

Artistic works are highly sought after...pure spontaneous creativity is not something that has been replicated successfully in artificial beings...(continue on 👇🏻)

29 79

Can't even describe how happy I am to win this from . Elimination wall was so fun and a lot of ppl won awesome prizes! Thanks again

10 39

minted my piece for zoomed out a bit to have more bones & shadows at the edges. it’s called Afterlife Party and is a self-portrait of recent stuff i’ve been through

see all the stunning art for the show here: https://t.co/VMiK9o3QUM

20 93

added these two weird goools to the gang you can read their stories in the weird goools collection on and 🖤🤘🏻

15 64

riot ribbit! 🐸

here’s my piece for the event coming up in a few weeks! goool hoppin’ chainlink fences from to trespass on property aug 27 🤘🏻🖤


55 189

new on 🖤

conversations with the dead

clairvoyant goool
ed. limit 50
offers open for 48hr (min 5tez)
accepting top offers & listing remaining on july 28 for 24hr
🔥 leftover burn july 29


9 55

Lost count how many times I've scrolled through the secondary with my finger on the buy button. Finally got an OG

5 55

Oops I did it again.. scooped this sister off the floor.

Welcome MG.

5 31

finally, a new on !

listening to tunes & bending spoons

telekinetic goool
ed. 50
offers open for 24hrs (min 5xtz)
accepting top offers/listing remaining on may 27 3AM UTC
🔥 leftover burn may 29


10 51

and may i just say i joined the gang🖤🕯thank you to mi <3 for gifting her 2 me ^.* $ftm

6 66