画質 高画質


N.peltata f.Yellow Phantome × veitch Bario yellow peristome
ペルタタ(イエローファントム)×ビーチ バリオ

77 328

Aristocratic tribune

416 4237

Aristocratic tribune speaks about Lorica Mammata

668 6463

Aristocratic centurion

80 1131

Aristocratic centurion speaks about Lorica Mammata

125 1642

I don't particularly object to Duggan's Iron Man series with its royal script, but it's complicated by the fact that there's Christopher's Iron Man series before it, and if this was after Dan's series, Tony wouldn't seem so bipolar disorder.

0 0

As the second half of Duggan's Iron Man series gets later in the series, Tony's visual drawings get cheaper, as does Christopher's series, but if you're a fan of the earlier artists, you'll be disappointed at the end.😰😰

0 0

HG………. Putting them together…….

(Also at this angle Friston emang boxy sekali HAHAHAHA JELEKKKK)

0 2

suguru klo rambutnya diurai gni udh cocok join di tongkrongan ngab ngab aristoteles yg duduk diteras ngobrol topik berat sambil ngudud+ngopi😭 jjkhalu!

57 631


15 120

San Cristobal Hill

photo by

1605 8294

Cuarto día, cuarto Dios.


Y no, los pueblos originarios nunca lo describieron como un hombre güero de ojos azules, eso se lo invento un frayle con la intención de hacerlo pasar como uno de los predicadores de Jesucristo 🗿👍

0 30

i made this holiday card for my family so i might as well share it on the internet. merry cristopher

0 9

I tend to forget he’s an aristocrat so I wanted to see his outfit in a more historical style

1352 6488



3 124


72 436