Idriva, my little dryad🥺💙

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I offer up Riva, Allara, Eloma, and Cle-Vah

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Little Marina with her papa and mama.
Their names are Costa and Riva, they were a civil engineer and an elite information officer for the Octarian Army. They loved her loads.

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Sometimes I feel like the "being pretty" is a requirement to become an Antivan Crow 🙈
(Andarateia "Teia" Cantori & Viago De Riva, Antivan Crows Falons)

I wanted to draw them for a long time, but seing them again in The Missing made it a necessity 😳

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L’amore funziona così,va dove vuole lui,fa ciò che vuole lui,non lo puoi far tacere,non te ne puoi privare. Quando arriva,arriva. E quando se ne va lascia sempre qualche traccia di sé. Capisci? È dispettoso,l’amore. Fa ciò che gli pare e mette in disordine le...

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A quest’ora la fantasia, complice il sonno che arriva, galoppa. Tra un po’ mi farò portare nel mondo dei sogni: stanotte recupereremo quell’ora di sonno sottratta lo scorso marzo e potremo fermarci a Dreamland più a lungo…Notte bimbe!
©️Lucy Campbell

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Non esigo alcun cambiamento
dalle onde vicine alla riva,
ora leste, ora pigre
e non a me obbedienti.
Non pretendo nulla
dalle acque fonde accanto al bosco

Wislawa Szymborska


"Mohn" Hans-Jürgen Gaudeck

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The Akumonio sisters, Disiva, Cyriva, and Lyniva are demons who lead the Opposition Force in the Dynamic Alliance world, thus, making them the series' main villains.

There's also Trino, a mean, creepy, and sexist triclops whose true form is more demon-like.

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Cathexis Riva, or Cathy, is one of Zayn's alters. Unlike Zayn, she's extroverted, optimistic, and very confident. She may have a bit of a savior complex but is genuinely caring of those around her.

She mainly works as an independent tinker/mechanic.

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Vídeo musical de Hogar a la deriva, película de anime en Netflix.

La película de se estrena pronto en .

Vídeo, trailer, sinopsis y fecha de estreno:

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Hello~ I’m Riva, an upcoming elf-oni vtuber wanting to experience as many moments life has to offer!~

My design and ref sheet are done by the amazing ! Thank you so much for helping me on this journey!💙

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10. Villain OCs:
Former- Stereo(Now in the DyAl and dating Lolly)

Current- The Akumonio sisters, Disiva, Cyriva, and Lyniva(Big Bads). Trino, Jolene, and Filius(Current arc).

Status Unknown- Stella(Stay tuned)

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Si nasce, si muore, si prova dolore
Si odia, si ama, c'è gioia e rancore
Si arriva, si parte per posti lontani
C'è luce, c'è il buio, si cambia ogni istante
Si arriva e si parte

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Princess Riva, The Legend of Dark Witch

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Trailer de Hogar a la deriva, película de anime en Netflix.

Primeras imágenes en movimiento del film de realizado por Studio Colorido que llegará a en los próximos meses.

Trailer, sinopsis y fecha de estreno:

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I dont have any true cowboy ocs but my demon, Mariva, has the cowboy aesthetic, just missin the hat 🥺

second pic is by @.mossygator_

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