“Mighty Reaper it is time for Brightmane to face the trial of Skulls” “A worth Skull for the harvest, for all who taste power I am their Damnation”

5 14

Zimdek of the Shadowmoon Clan lends magical assistance to Blackhand’s RAWband.

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Torgan of the Frost Wolves clan is always accompanied by his 2 loyal companions. No prey has ever eluded their hunt.

3 26

The story of Torcsin, but of a long read this one and no picture since I’ve already shown him off. But the continues

3 5

Worrying increases in cases of graffiti seen on notice boards across the realms.

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Important Free People Information Notice.

7 15

HELP REQUIRED!! All good citizens, be they human, aelf or duardin, should assist General Janus in locating this nefarious outlaw!

7 22